Mary Mitcheson Clark

Mary Mitcheson Clark (1776-1856)

A portrait of my four-times great-grandmother Mary Mitcheson shows a plain but pleasant looking woman with dark eyes, rosy cheeks and a frilly cap. The wife of Montreal butcher and landowner John Clark, she held a book in her hand and had rings on her fingers that suggest a certain level of refinement. 

Mary was born at Stowe House, in the tiny village of Cornsay, County Durham, in northeast England, to Joseph Mitchinson (an earlier spelling of the family name) and his wife, Margaret Phillipson. She was baptized in 1776 at Whickham parish church, her mother’s parish. Mary had five younger siblings: Robert (born in 1779), Margaret (1781), William (1783), Elizabeth (1785) and Jane (1793).

On June 10, 1794, Mary Mitchinson, age 21 (or so she said,) of Lanchester, married John Clark at St Giles parish church, on the outskirts of the city of Durham. The following year, she gave birth to a daughter. Mary Ann Clark was baptized in Lanchester, the rural parish in which Mary’s father had grown up. 

At some point over the next few years, Mary, John and their little girl left England. The first evidence I have found of their presence in Montreal is a deed showing they had purchased a property on de La Gauchetière Street in 1799. A few years later, Mary gave birth to a son, John F. Clark. He died in June 1806, aged eight months. 

Mary may have enjoyed a level of financial independence unusual for a woman at that time. When she turned 21, she inherited 50 pounds from her grandfather. When her father died in 1821, he left her 100 pounds, specifying in his will that it was for her use alone; usually a woman’s property automatically became her husband’s. And when they sold the de La Gauchetière property in 1810, both John Clark and Mary Mitcheson signed the deed of sale, so perhaps they were co-owners of the property. 

In 1819, daughter Mary Ann married Stanley Bagg, an American-born merchant who had rented an inn known as the Mile End Tavern from John Clark. The following year, the Clarks’ only grandchild, Stanley Clark Bagg, was born. By this time, the young Bagg family was living at Durham House, on St. Lawrence Street, while the Clark couple lived up the road at Mile End Lodge. 

John Clark died in 1827, at age 60. He left Mile End Lodge and another property, the Clark Cottage Farm, which was further north on St. Lawrence Street, to Mary. He willed his other properties to his daughter and to his young grandson. A clause in his will ensured that Mary Ann would give her mother 1,000 bundles of good timothy hay every year. Perhaps Mary continued to raise some cattle and needed the hay to feed them over the winter.

Mile End Lodge

But Mary must have found Mile End Lodge too big, so about a year after John’s death, she moved to a smaller house known as Clark Cottage or Mitcheson Cottage. It can still be identified today at the northwest corner of Bagg Street and Clark Street in Montreal’s Plateau district.

As a widow for almost 30 years, Mary seems to have been active in running her properties. In 1844, Stanley Clark Bagg, by then a notary, looked after a lease for his grandmother and, on at least one occasion, she placed a rental notice in the local newspaper for Mile End Lodge. 

Mary Ann died in 1835, Stanley in 1853. Mary outlived them both, dying on January 15, 1856, age 80. She is buried with her husband, daughter, son-in-law, grandson and other family members in the Bagg family mausoleum at Mount Royal Cemetery. 

Edited May 29, 2014 to correct Mary’s place of residence at the time of her marriage.

Photo credits: Mary Mitcheson Clark, private collection                                                       
Mile End Lodge, painting by John Hugh Ross, copyright Stewart Museum.

Edited June 3, 2014 to correct date of marriage.

Research remarks: Regular readers of this blog may find the name Mitcheson rings a bell. That is because Mary’s brother Robert immigrated to Philadelphia around 1817. His daughter Catharine Mitcheson married her first cousin once removed, Stanley Clark Bagg, in 1844. 

I did a lot of research on the Mitcheson family when I first started doing genealogy five years ago. I found most of the baptism and marriage records on, but I had help getting started: a cousin had done some research in the 1970s, and another descendant contacted the vicar of Lanchester parish in 1914. The vicar sent him records for the Mitcheson family going back to the early 1700s, but Mary’s name was not included since she was baptized at Whickham.

There is a note in the Bagg family Bible indicating that Mary was born at Stowe House. I had no idea where that was, but when I hired a local retired genealogist to take us to Lanchester, Whickham and some other parish churches around Durham a few years ago, he took us to Cornsay. We were not sure which house it was, but now I see online that Stow House has been renovated and made into vacation rental cottages. 

The following newspaper clipping can be found in the Bagg Fonds at the McCord Museum in Montreal: “Mile End Lodge: two-storey stone house near St. Lawrence Toll Gate, with stable, garden, use of well; within half an hour’s walk of post office; rent moderate. Apply to Mrs. Clark, Mitche­son Cottage, near the premises, or to S.C. Bagg, Fairmount Villa. Feb. 3, 1853.” 

Notarial records of deeds, wills, leases and so on can be found at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, The deed of sale I mentioned in the article was #2876 in the records of notary J.A. Gray, dated 18 October, 1810.

Most Durham wills are kept at the archives of the University of Durham, but I ordered Joseph Mitcheson’s will online from the National Archives in London.

Death by Lightning

Threatening clouds (JH photo)

A friend recently discovered that her seven-times great-grandfather died when he was shot by someone who mistook him for a bear near Montreal in 1686. Needless to say, she was thrilled with that discovery. I can’t top that, but I did run across the bizarre deaths of brothers James Bagg and Jonathan Bagg in Suffield, Connecticut in 1766, and an even more unusual account of that event. 

I found a reference online to “A short Account of Three Men that were killed by Lightning, at Suffield, Viz. Samuel Remington, James Bagg, Jonathan Bagg.” I expected it to be a newspaper article, but it is actually a long poem, published in 1767, that only briefly recounts the actual event. Most of the 41 four-line verses are a warning to the living to be ready for death. I suppose this is not surprising. Death often came unexpectedly to the colonists of New England, whether from an accident or disease.  

The poem set up the scene:

‘Twas on the Twentieth Day of May;
These Men were in their Prime;
And by permission cruel Death
Did Snatch them out of time.
Two of the Men that Day rode forth
And left their Friends at Home,
And not thinking but to return
When they their Work had done,
But God’s Almighty Sovereign Hand
Did not intend it so;
He did intend their mortal Souls
Before his Bar should go.

It described the brothers: 

Two of those Men had great
Prospects,Of Tables richly spread;
They may be round their Father’s Board,
Eating his heavenly bread.
These are two Men were scarcely found
In a vain Company,
From foolish Talking fun and light,
They did themselves deny,
They were not free from satan’s snares
while they were here below,
Eor he unguardedly steps in,
his snares are spread so low.

There was a comforting message:

One word to you that mourners are,
Cheer up and do not weep,
Hoping at the great judgement day
They’re found among Christ’s sheep.

The poem concluded with a stern reminder:

You that are not prepared now,
may read these lines with dread,
Who thinks the Lord will on us wait,
but likewise strike us dead.
And you that are prepar’d to go,
Will sing with great surprize,
While Sinners weep and rowl and roar
With weeping hearts and eyes.
Death always flies with wings unseen
to those that sleep secure,
And hungry death, with cruel graves,
both old and young devour.

There is a fuller account of the lightning strike that killed these men in an interview with a woman who searches for gravestone inscriptions that describe accidental deaths. Judi Trainor explained that brothers James and Jonathan Bagg, both in their late teens, were working in a field when they saw a storm approach. They ran to a nearby house and were sitting by the fireplace when they were struck. Today it is unusual for lightning to kill people indoors, but at that time, people did not understand the nature of lightning and the need to ground buildings.

James and Jonathan were born in West Springfield, Massachusetts, about 10 miles north of Suffield, Connecticut. According to West Springfield Births, they were the sons of James Bagg and his wife Bathsheba Dewey, who had been married in Springfield in 1744. James was baptized on March 15, 1746-7, Jonathan two years later. 

James, Jonathan and their sister Bathsheba would have been distant cousins to my four-times great-grandfather Phineas Bagg, who was born in nearby Westfield, MA, around 1750. Their great-grandparents John Bagg and Hannah Burt, who married in Springfield in 1657, were their common ancestors. 

The headstone inscriptions of James and Jonathan are online, however, there is a discrepancy: the inscriptions say the young men were the sons of Jonathan Bagg, rather than James. Both inscriptions read, “son of Jonathan, late of Springfield, & of Bathsheba, now wife of Captain Asaph Leavitt; died May 20, 1766.” 

The mistake about the boys’ father probably appeared when the stone was engraved because James Bagg had died many years before, in 1749, aged 48, in West Springfield. His death would also explain why the couple had only three children. Mrs. Bathsheba Bagg married Capt. Leavitt in 1762.

Research notes: The account of the death of Claude Jodouin in 1686 can be found in the Bulletin des Recherches Historiques, Vol 41, p. 39, (otherwise known as the BRH), available at the library of La Société Généalogique canadienne-française  ( in Montreal. You can read the full story at

A short Account of Three Men that were killed by Lightning, at Suffield, Viz. Samuel Remington, James Bagg, Jonathan Bagg was printed and sold by Timothy Green, New London, 1767. It is not indicated whether Timothy Green also wrote it. A Google search brings up many references to this document, but some don’t actually link to an online copy. I found it on microfiche at the McGill University library, but an online copy described as A Loud Call to the Living is available through the Library of Congress website Memory of America, An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and other printed Ephemera.

“A Sudden and Awful Manner”, an interview with Judi Trainor, written by Ben Shattuck, appeared in the online magazine The Morning News, Sept 11, 2013.

Births, marriages and deaths in early Massachusetts are generally well documented. West Springfield records can be found in the database Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 on, and in the members-only section of online databases of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS),

The headstone inscriptions of Suffield, Connecticut, 1660-1937 can be found at: